To presuppose that all men have had toxic or failed relationships with women and are hurt is to completely miss the message of MGTOW. Sure some men have been hurt. And these pains reflect gynocentrism in general.
However, men who live under the yoke and gender-norming of gynocentrishm, are hurt simply by complying happily with it. A man can work his whole life, live happily with is wife and raise great kids. But what he does not understand is the tremendous amount of internalized-misandry he is enduring to accommodate the culture that has enslaved him. This so called “happy man” would be lucky to have the garage as his space in the house he probably paid for.
MGTOW simply seeks to illuminate ALL men of their state of oppression by women and blue pilled men who use shaming tactics and gross misrepresentation to brand MGTOW men all colors of evil in order to keep them suppressed as nice docile plow horses for women and society. Just as women woke up to the fact that they do not OWE men anything like being housewives, mothers etc. Men are waking up to the idea that they don’t OWE women anything.
Like marrying them, providing them income of which he gets to retain very little benefit from, putting her needs first etc. MGTOW is the fulfillment of equality for women. But until women start treating men as equals, men must break the chains that enslave them to women’s refusal to stop objectifying men and using them as disposable ATMs. Which will be very hard for women to do.
Any further shaming of men will simply make MGTOW grow faster. Telling men to “Man Up” will just enrage men further. Manning up is nothing but a sexist bigoted remark. “Being a man” is nothing but a social construct. There is no longer any meaning to “being a man”.
When women no longer expect men to be provider males that pay for everything then women will finally be equal. When women do the hard jobs men do in the numbers men do them, they will be equal. When courts recognize men as equal citizens, women will be equal. Until these changes happen MGTOW men will refuse the repugnant notion that it’s Equality for Women and Chivalry for Men.
If you don’t believe these sexists messages are pervasive in this gynocentric culture then please do explain the underlining meaning of the commercial tagline “He went to Jared”. I know all of you women and white knights will simply take the reductive approach and simply say it is nothing but a statement that a man bought a woman a gift.
Just as women buy men gifts. But this would be to ignore the deeper cultural and historical and economical meanings of purchasing a diamond ring for a woman. Which is a traditional gift of devotion to a woman by a man through the transfer of resources via said ring to the woman. There is NO way to unpack and strip out the cultural messaging in this social transaction.
To merely imply that it is a man’s exclusive obligation to provide resources through a symbolic pledge of resources in a ring — which is itself a future pledge of more resources to come — is sexist gender norming and shaming at the same time. He went to Jared.
What does that statement imply about men who DON’T buy diamond rings? Can you even begin to understand the gynocentric culture that oppresses men yet? I doubt it. And this is why MGTOW spans the gap and supports the illumination of men by making them conscious of their oppression by the expectations of women.
Ladies….there is no such thing as a “good man”. Whatever you think that implies, is OVER. There are only people who identify as male. And beyond that, you are OWED nothing from those people. Now go get a job and buy your own diamond rings.
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