iPad Pro 12.9 Screen Protector Review

Absolutely FANTASTIC product enhances the security of my beautiful expensive item, included setup items not perfect.

From the second I opened the Amazon box this came in I was impressed. I have had my share of devices across the years, tables, phones, smart watch and used MANY screen protectors. None have ever come as well packaged as this one was. It immediately conveyed this was a company that understood item protection.

Upon opening the interior packaging I could see this came with standard screen protector wipes and “Dust Remover” sticker. I was a little surprised to not see the bubble scraper tool, but this was my first glass screen protector so that might have been why.

After looking at pictures on the back of the packaging, I was ready to get started. I started with Wet Wipe#1 and was shocked how small it was, but as soon as I started wiping I could see it was plenty big enough. Soon I had wiped over the entire screen and could see it was moist across the surface. I opened Dry Wipe #2, this was same size wipe but it was dry. This wipe was a waste of time, it did not buff the moisture drops out at all. I actually had to put it aside and use my screen cleaner to get all the streaks off, not sure if you can really see in the picture, but it was like I used simple green or floor cleaner on glass, YUK!

Ok screen is now clean onto the “Dust Remover” sticker. This was strange to get off the paper, I pulled 2 corners back and it was not coming off. When I started 3rd corner it started to cooperate. I used this is sort of lint remover method laying flat then lifting moving over one space and repeating until I covered entire tablet surface. This worked really well and my tablet was now clean and lint/dust free.

When I started to peel back the protective covering off the back, I realized it would be hard to line up starting on the non-home button side, but there was no tab to start on that side. I decided to start on that side anyways since it was WAY easier to line up that way.

This protector went on easier than ANY I have ever tried. Went on the first time, had like 6 medium bubbles which I just used my hands and smoothed towards the screen edge and they were gone.

Now that it’s on you can’t even tell. The visual, the performance all react the same, just now my screen is protected. Perfection.

I was offered a discount to share my honest opinion of this product.


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