The Men Going Their Own Way is a great movement

The Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) movement, pronounced ‘Mig-tow’, is an online and real-life rediscovery by men of suppressed knowledge about the nature of women, and the duplicitous and unfair treatment of men in marriage and relationships. This typically results in the man refusing to get married as a reaction against the extreme injustice of the divorce courts, and the turning of the legal system against men in the ease with which men are victimised by lying women who make false accusations of domestic violence, child abuse, and rape.

The generic evil and lunacy of feminist claims of equality are particularly despised, with their pseudo-intellection of ‘intersectionalism’, and the current spectacle of governments of the Western world declaring all roles in the army to open to men and women, despite the the general impossibility of women meeting the physical and mental requirements for basic infantry, let alone special forces. The crass denials of reality in science, technology, engineering, and maths subjects (STEM), lead to the delusion that women can be ‘equal’ in these fields if only they are given the chance. This has not happened and will never happen despite decades of this stupidity and pretence in the UK, USA, Japan, Europe, etc. (MGTOW is a western term, in Japan such men are called ‘grasseaters’ and other shame-names.)

MGTOW is not necessarily a movement like a political party or a philosophy in the sense that an individual man can be a ‘confirmed batchelor’ for purely personal reasons, and only later in life discover that there are many who share his views. When they were teenagers they saw with incredulity the unfairness of the divorce settlements against men arising in the 1970s, and they noted the crass and spiteful TV propaganda and comedies depicting men as stupid and lazy, and the women as smart and dominant by the power of the script and plot armour alone.

The internet, and especially YouTube, as a form of communication has vastly accelerated the sharing of this renewed knowledge. Sophisticated analyses and terms such as womens’ hypergamy, and Briffault’s Law, are joined by basic ideas such as ‘women are the gatekeepers of sex, men are the gatekeepers of marriage’. Currently, in late 2018, we see ever more silly denials of reality with the creation of supposed ‘equality’ for trans-sexual people, and the deliberate conflation of biological sex and gender identity being found in all sorts of social and legal settings. This leads to a variety of comedic reactions amongst the more outspoken on YouTube, but at the same time intense persecution and backlash against ordinary men and women who speak out against it and find that they can lose their jobs, friends, and reputation in the space of a few hours if they are surrounded by a sufficiently delusional and vicious social circle.

The situation is worst in socialist societies such as Sweden and California, and anywhere there is ‘democracy’ influenced by women voters. Politicians are generally incapable of not giving in to womens’ demands for more and more special rules and laws favouring them under the guise of the need for ‘equality’. As if women could be equally strong, tall, or good at sports with bodies that are designed for making babies. The genetic constraints on the female sex are formidable, and the double X chromosome dictates that this will never change. The XY male sex chromosome allows greater variation in all physiological and psychological dimensions. Thus there will be more male geniuses and over-achievers, and more male dwarfs and retards. The centre ground is designed for the female, and the female for it. The extremes await the men, and the best of us revel in it. Let us see the female Nobel prize winner in physics and the female sprinter who can beat the rest of the world at the Olympics and we men will applaud - and note that this may be the first and the last.

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